Back Button?

iOS 9 and Swift 2 are awesome, but your app may not work as you expect when running on iOS 9 device. Here is a problem I found.

When user click the edit button, it will bring up a new ViewController, so use can edit data then return to previous screen. It is a simple case to use show (push) segue. Here is the storyboard for the relationship between ViewController.

Here is the screenshot for the app LogICU when running on iOS 8 and 9.

There is no back button in iOS 9, so user can’t go back to the previous screen. When I went to google the problem, someone already report it the here Openradar iOS 9.0 beta 3


It turns out to fix the problem is very simple: just remove the NavigationViewController from the data edit ViewController. In the iOS 9, you don’t need to integrate your ViewController into a NavigationViewController if your previous ViewController is already integrated with one. Here is the updated storyboard.

For future

  1. Always test the app before the new iOS final version release
  2. Use the new xcode 7 UI test in the future to detect this problem, some nice tuturial from Joe Masilotti [1] [2]
  3. Aware the issues reported by other developers, such as openradar, developer forums


A Geeky adventures